Current Research

The Tradeoffs Team is currently involved in a number of methodological developments related to the TOA-MD model, including:

  • How to use TOA-MD with non-normal distributions
  • Linking TOA-MD to gridded crop and livestock models
  • Linking TOA-MD to partial and general equilibrium economic models
  • Developing national Representative Agricultural Pathways for National Adaptation Planning and other policy analysis

The Tradeoffs Team is currently collaborating on projects using TOA-MD, including:

  • Linking seasonal forecasts and crop yields to economic outcomes in Greece and other Southeastern European countries
  • Evaluate potential adoption of "opportunity crops" and the associated impacts on farmers' livelihoods and food security in Africa
  • Economic potential of hemp in Pacific NW US agriculture
  • Economic potential of CSA practices in potato-based systems in the US west coast
  • Economic potential of crop-livestock best management practices under current and future climate in upstate New York
  • Adaptation and mitigation co-benefits in Bangladesh cropping systems
  • Sustainable rice intensification in India and Vietnam
  • Climate adaptation of agricultural systems in the Caribbean region