
The TOA-MD Book and TOA-MD Version 7 are now available! The Tradeoffs Team provides training for TOA-MD through on-line and in-person courses and workshops. See our Training and Workshops page for more information.



The TOA Project develops modeling tools used by multi-disciplinary research teams to improve the understanding of agricultural system sustainability and inform policy decisions. The latest Version 7 of the TOA-MD model described in this book is a novel simulation tool for multi-dimensional impact assessment of agricultural systems.   In addition to the functionality of the earlier versions, Version 7 adds the calculation of counterfactuals and treatment effects, and poverty gaps, re-organized output sheets and a handy dashboard for data visualization. Version 7 also utilizes a simplified representation of correlations for calculation of mean and threshold outcomes, and provides options for aggregation of outcome variables. Input files in Version 5 and 6 formats work in Version 7.


The Trial version of TOA-MD7.0 can be obtained free by registering on the TOA-MD Software page. The non-trial (full) version of the TOA-MD7.0 software is provided free to purchasers of the TOA-MD book, available at our uStore. All of the proceeds from the sale of this book go to Oregon State University’s Tradeoff Analysis Project. These funds help make it possible to continue providing the TOA-MD software to the research community for public good use, and to continue training programs and software development.


Purchase the TOA-MD Book


TOA Project Leadership:
Dr. John M. Antle (John.Antle@oregonstate.edu)
Dr. Roberto O. Valdivia (Roberto.Valdivia@oregonstate.edu)
TOA-MD Model inquiries: (Tradeoffs.Team@oregonstate.edu)
Also of interest


A new paper published in American Journal of Agricultural Economics links TOA-MD to a market equilibrium model to evaluate the economic potential of industrial hemp!



A new report shows how Tradeoff Analysis can support the objectives of the new One CGIAR

John Antle and Roberto Valdivia prepared this new report for the CGIAR Independent Science for Development Council that provides a framework for the design and evaluation of projects to meet the objectives of the newly formed One CGIAR using foresight and tradeoff analysis. Applications using TOA-MD are featured. A related open-access paper, Tradeoff Analysis of Agri-Food Systems for Sustainable Research and Development was published in the first issue of the new journal Q Open.


Image of the handbook Check out the Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems.  John Antle and Roberto Valdivia co-authored many of these chapters.

Chapter 2 - AgMIP’s Trans-disciplinary Agricultural Systems Approach to Regional Integrated Assessment of Climate Impact, Vulnerability and Adaptation, by J. Antle et al.

Chapter 5 - Representative agricultural pathways and scenarios for regional integrated assessment of climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation, by R. Valdivia et al.

These chapters and the full handbook are available for free online at WorldScientific.com.  These and other publications of the Tradeoff Analysis Project are listed in the Applications Library are available for personal use by emailing a request to tradeoffs.team@oregonstate.edu.  Publications and related data sets are also available to all registered users of the TOA-MD software.



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