The CGIAR Maize and Wheat CRP TOA-MD Modeling Course 2018

As part of collaboration between the CGIAR Maize and Wheat CRP cluster of activities on foresight and targeting (CoA 1.1), a TOA-MD modeling course was offered during the fall 2018. The course included two parts, a self-guided with online Webinars support (October 1 - November 4) and a week long workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (November 5-9).

The goal of the course is for CIMMYT researchers to learn how to use the TOA-MD model with data from their own projects focusing on ex-ante impact of new and pipeline technologies.

Key Dates

September-20:       Applications due to (see below)
September 24-28:  TOA team will review applications and send acceptance letters
October 1-24:         Participants install software and learning modules. Study Part 1: Basic Learning Module (BLM) and complete exercises
October 1-5 (TBD): Webinar: introduction to the course and the TOA-MD (exact date and time TBD)
October-20:             Deadline for participants to submit questions on BLM and exercises. Feedback on exercises will be provided between Oct 25-28.
October-20:             Webinar on BLM and exercises (time TBA)
October 24 - November 4: Participants prepare their data and preliminary application, and prepare a presentation about their project for the first day of the    workshop using the template provided (see agenda below). Participants are also expected to review the Advanced Learning Module which will be discussed during the workshop.
November-20:          Deadline to submit draft of presentation for the workshop.
November 5-9:         TOA-MD workshop at CIMMYT offices in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (see agenda below)
Workshop Agenda

Day 1.

• 9.00 am Introductions and goals
•10.00 am Intro PPT
•10.30 am Coffee break
•10.45 am Presentations teams
•12.30 pm Lunch
•1.30 pm Discussion data/applications, plan for the week
•2.30 pm DAE
•3.30 pm Coffee break
•3.30 pm Exercise Step by Step.
•4.00 pm Q/As
•5.00 pm End day 1
Day 2:
•AM: BLM Theory Section 1
•Malawi Exercise
•PM: Work on data

Day 3:

•PM: Data/Application

Day 4:

•AM: Other topics: Livestock?
•PM: Data/Application

Day 5:

•AM: Data/Application/Presentation
•PM: Presentations, discussion
• Graduation
